
Other Family Law Matters

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It’s only right that a family run law firm practices family law. The Templeton Law Firm covers a lot of ground, and we want to make sure your needs are met. In addition to helping our clients through divorce proceedings and child custody battles, we also take on the following cases:

Child Support

Common in divorce cases when minor(s) are present, child support involves regular payments from party to the other to support the minor(s). As your legal representation, we will help to reduce your legal requirements or maximize your child support benefits.

Spousal Support (Alimony)

Alimony is sought in the divorce process when one party argues they have relied on the other party financially during the marriage. Our attorneys will assist you in winning your alimony case.

Restraining Orders & Orders of Protection

Restraining orders and orders of protection are legally binding court documents that help to protect you from someone who is abusing or harassing you. Our attorneys can assist you in gaining protection from an abuser. Abuse can be physical, verbal, emotional, mental, or include threats or intimidation. 

Prenuptial Agreements

A “prenup” is a legally binding document a married couple agrees to that delineates property should a divorce happen in the future. Couple do this not because they are having marital difficulties but to avoid legal gray areas and reduce future stress should they have difficulties in the future.

Legal Separation

Spouses may decide to legally separate without going through a formal divorce. This is where a legal separation process comes in. Many of the same processes, such as child custody and alimony need to be worked through as they would be in a divorce process, however.

Declaration of Paternity

There is no father with legal rights and responsibilities when a child’s parents are not married at the beginning of pregnancy or at birth. As your representation, we may assist you in attaining a court order that declares paternity and assigns rights and responsibilities to a father.

Modification of Decrees

Changes in custody or support are possible, but the court must see substantial evidence that circumstances and situations have changed to justify original decisions. If you believe you have a case, it is our duty to illuminate that evidence in court and win a new decision for you.

In 2023 Tyler Templeton was awarded the Rising Stars recognition by Super Lawyers. You can rest assured that your case will be in good hands at the Templeton Law firm. Call today for a consultation. 


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