Child Custody

When a parent or guardian comes to us with a child custody case, we understand the serious and emotional nature of the case. Child custody has life-changing implications for our clients and their families, and we are honored they trust us with such delicate and personal matters.
Our firm advocates for parents and guardians to retain both physical custody and legal custody of their child or children. Physical custody is the amount of time spent with the child and may be sole, primary, or joint custody. Legal custody is the right to decision making for a child’s health, education, and welfare.
In 2023 Tyler Templeton was awarded the Rising Stars recognition by Super Lawyers. You can rest assured that your case will be in good hands at the Templeton Law firm.
Please contact our office to schedule a child custody consultation. We want to hear your story.

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176 West Franklin Street
Gallatin, TN 37066
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